This was a program to introduce women students at the University of Missouri-St. Louis to alumnae in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields. Listening to their stories hopefully will help women become familiar with careers they hadn’t thought of and help them know what women already in the field have gone through to get where they are.
- An excellent poster to advertise the program!
- Ronald E. Yasbin, PhD, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, welcomes attendees to the meeting.
- Deborah Burris, UMSL Director, Office of Equal Opportunity, kicks off the meeting.
- Alumnae panel: Corinne Kozlowski, PhD, endocrinologist at the Saint Louis Zoo; Veronique LaCapra, PhD., moderator, science reporter at KWMU 90.7, St. Louis Public Radio; Dr. Erin Brooks, optometrist.
- Jan Scott, AAUW St. Louis Branch, tells the audience about AAUW.
- Audience during panel discussion.
- Kozlowski, LaCapra, and Brooks answer questions posed by the audience.
- Resource display.