Who We Are

Why so many women are lifelong members of AAUW:  One AAUW

The Saint Louis Branch of the American Association of University Women supports the broad goals and actions of AAUW by holding outreach events, engaging in political action, collaborating with local organizations and educational institutions regarding AAUW topics, and by supporting area young women and girls directly.  We promote a “You Can Do It” approach. Founded in 1893, the Saint Louis Branch is one of six branches in the Saint Louis, MO, area that comprise the AAUW Metro Saint Louis Interbranch Council (IBC).

AAUW, founded in 1881, is an organization of more than 170,000 members and supporters.  There are 1,000 local AAUW branches and 800 college-university partners.  In 2013 $4.3 million was given in fellowships and grants to 278 women in professional and academic careers.  AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research.  Membership is open to graduates who hold the associate, baccalaureate, or higher degree from a qualified college or university.

AAUW’s Mission:  AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.

AAUW’s Value Promise:  By joining AAUW, you belong to a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all women and girls have a fair chance.

AAUW’s Vision Statement:  AAUW empowers all women and girls to reach their highest potential.

AAUW’s Diversity Statement:  AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or class.

What We’re Up To . . .

Branch programs are to support the full range of the AAUW mission of “education and equity for all women and girls, lifelong education, and positive societal change.”

Ellen Irons, branch president for 2019-2021, said, “I am honored and feel a great sense of responsibility to serve and build our branch. Three main goals I have for this coming year are:

1)  Continue the momentum of holding at least one and possibly two main programs that are educational and open to the public. These include public speaker/panel events, workshops, educational sharing and networking, and other type events.

2)  Find ways to continue building a sense of community within our branch – I’d like to start a Google Email group for our branch (to be discussed), encourage more social events and find more ways to network and share. NOTE: Sue Barley is hosting the December brunch this year Sunday, December 15.

3)  Serve as a way for our members to engage in ways that are most meaningful to them – we always get more involved when we work on our passions! (My passion this year is surrounding the 2020 Centennial of the 19th Amendment coming up on Aug 26, 2020. More on this in future issues.)”

From our May 2019 Annual meeting, here are our top ideas:

  • The 100th year anniversary of Getting the Vote for Women is August 26, 2020. Many area organizations are developing plans for activities. We could make this a main focus for our branch.
  • Work Smart/Closing the Gender Pay Gap is still a key issue this year. What activities appeal to us to tackle?
  • We discussed the idea that we focus on the ERA – awareness, who’s doing what in other states, what we are doing in MO, the importance of still pursuing the ERA legally.


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