You are invited to ….
The Equal Rights Amendment – Updates and Why We Need it More than Ever – the Broad Perspective
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Program via Zoom 6:30 – 8pm Presentation and Discussion
At its October 9 Open House, St. Louis Branch members’
top request for a program this year was ‘the Equal
Rights Amendment- Status Update and What’s Happening Now.’ Because there is so much interest in this topic, we decided we will do several programs on the ERA
over the course of this FY. This is the first of that series
of programs.
Program Description:
This program will include presentation on several topics
with group discussion encouraged. Topics will include:
• The legal status – nationally and by state
• The support status – who is working on this,
breadth of support
• Why is the ERA passage more important now than
ever? How recent Supreme Court actions affect
the climate.
• What are likely next steps?
• What is the broader perspective? The international perspective? What will it mean to have
the ERA become law?
Members are encouraged to bring their own perspectives and thoughts to contribute to the discussion!! Contact us for a Zoom link.
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AAUW St. Louis Branch
October – Open House “Festival”
At the lovely backyard of Jan Scott
Sunday October 9, 2022
1 – 3pm
This “Festival” is a St. Louis Branch gathering for members to socialize, catch up in-person, kick off our year’s projects, and orient our newer members (and everyone who feels like they are “new”) to AAUW.
Festive Activities include:
• Snacks! Games!! Socializing!!
• Orientation to the St. Louis Branch
• Kickoff of Votes for Women Trail 2022-23 Project
• Kickoff of project for Girl Scouts of Eastern MO – Women’s History Month
• New Projects – possibilities kickoff
• An inner look at our regional IBC, MO State, and AAUW national
opportunities & resources
Feel free to bring guests and possible new members!!
Please RSVP to Jan Scott at: so we can have a set up count.
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May 21, 2022 – Noon
Annual Meeting and Lunch in the Park
We are planning a number of fun activities – some icebreaker games, lots of sharing time, a presentation on our top projects this year, and a celebration of our 2022 Barbara Lackritz Honoree, Susan Barley. A salad lunch is being organized. The cost is $10 per person. A lunch count is needed by May 19th. For directions and reservations, contact
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You are invited to attend our AAUW St. Louis Branch program:
Here’s an important reminder for our Thursday, March 24th program. It’s in TWO Parts! You must register for the national webinar (Part ONE) and you will receive Zoom information for that. Our St. Louis Branch discussion is Part TWO. It is a separate Zoom meeting. Information is given below for Part TWO.
Thursday – March 24th, 6 pm CDT
Intersectionality – AAUW National diversity, equity, and inclusion webinar, approximately one hour; St. Louis Branch discussion afterward.
Program Description:
By understanding the dimensions of diversity and how they intersect, we can begin to understand the complex and cumulative impact of discrimination and oppression. In this webinar, participants will learn about intersectionality as well as how to create branch or state programming for members on this concept.
Registration is required. To register, go to:
For more information, go to:
St. Louis Branch discussion will be a separate Zoom meeting starting at the end of the webinar, at about 7:00 pm.
Our St. Louis Branch members will log out of the national webinar and immediately join a St. Louis Branch discussion (Zoom info below). We will debrief our experience in the webinar and discuss the following questions:
- After attending this webinar, what does intersectionality mean to you?
- Did the program change your understanding of your own identity and experiences?
- Does this webinar give us direction in how to conduct our branch activities?
Topic: AAUW Intersectionality Discussion – Branch Follow Up
Time: March 24, 2022, 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting: Contact Ellen at for a link.
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AAUW San Juan (PR) Branch Invites AAUW St. Louis
on March 21, 2022 – 6:30 pm CST
to a program on Afghan refugees and their resettlement, from the 1980’s to current times. Speakers are Linda Lindsey from AAUW St. Louis and Susan Rodriguez of AAUW San Juan. Linda was in Pakistan while refugees were dealing with the Russians in the 80’s and is now working with a St. Louis family. Susan was serving in the US Army in Afghanistan and has dealt with families.
A Zoom link will be provided closer to the meeting date.
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Gender Pay Equity:
Updates and St. Louis City Actions 
Sunday, February 20, 2022,
2 pm – via Zoom
Despite civil rights laws and advancements in women’s economic status, workplace discrimination still persists. As AAUW’s report The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap explains, the latest numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau once again revealed that women working full-time, year-round are on average paid only 83 cents for every dollar paid to men. But there is some good news. There are gains in awareness and individual success stories, and some advancements have been occurring at the local level.
Come hear a panel presentation on:
- Updates on the status of gender pay equity, the national Paycheck Fairness Act, bans on asking salary history questions nation-wide, and the current focus of AAUW MO public policy and pay equity advocacy. Presented by Ellen Irons
- Updates and progress in the City of St. Louis – passage of ORDINANCE 71095 regarding salary history questions during interviews, changes in the city’s personnel department and transparency, and planned action for AAUW St. Louis to meet with Mayor Jones on gender pay equity issues. Presented by Kathleen Farrell and Jan Scott
Contact Ellen Irons for questions.
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NEW TIME (see below). It’s been nearly one year since armed right-wing militants attacked our Capitol and tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Since that time, the same faction that attacked our country on January 6th is hard at work silencing our voices by restricting our freedom to vote, attacking fair voting districts, and quietly preparing future attempts to sabotage free and fair elections and – with it – our democracy.
Missouri lawmakers are returning to Jefferson City to take up legislation that would undermine our freedom to vote. We must not forget what happened – and we must demand action from our leaders to prevent further attacks on our democracy.
So this January 6, 2022, AAUW MO is proud to join advocates in marking the Jan. 6 anniversary with Vigils for Democracy. The promise of democracy is not a partisan issue but a calling that unites us as Americans and Missourians. Coming together, we can prevent another January 6th attack and realize the promise of democracy for all of us – no matter our color, zip code, or income – so we all have an equal say in the decisions that shape our daily lives and futures.
We hope you’ll join us on Jan. 6 for our Vigils. Find a Missouri event near you on Jan. 6!
St.Louis Democracy Vigil:
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Brentwood Boulevard and Eager Road (in front of the fountain)
Columbia Democracy Vigil:
Boone County Courthouse
Columbia, MO
Kansas City Democracy Vigil:
4:30-5:30 pm
Martin Luther King Park
Kansas City, Mo