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Thanks for all you do to protect the right to vote in Missouri.
Denise Lieberman, Missouri Voter Protection Coalition
denise@movpc.org, (314) 780-1833
Rally to Support For the People Act (S1)
Friday, Sept. 17, noon-1 p.m.
Federal Courthouse (111 S. 10th St., 63102)
Join us for a rally in front of Sen Blunt’s office as part of Finish the Job – For The People Nationwide Day of Action. The For the People Act (S1) would protect our freedom to vote, get big money out of politics, ensure fair districts, and help create a democracy that works for all of us. We will gather distanced and masked at the steps of the Federal Courthouse and tell Senator Blunt Tell Sen. Blunt: #FinishTheJob For the People
(Volunteer organized)
Sign up now
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August 2021 Update: At our regular branch meeting on August 3, 2021, we voted and approved adopting the new Missouri Star Award document as our Branch Action Plan/Strategic Plan. This has a LOT of good guidance in it, including adding Jan Scott and Sally McGowan as new co-chairs for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Diane Sher and Ellen Irons as co-chairs for College and University Liaison.
Diane Sher and Ellen Irons have continued working with the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, exploring diverse ways for our members to partner with them. We are looking at ways to help girls earn badges in areas related to the AAUW mission and will provide a workshop on “The Art and Skills of Negotiating” to their older Girl Scouts in February 2022.
Finally, Movie Club has continued on the 4th Monday of each month and has been a very inspiring experience. Each month we all watch the chosen movie on our own, then discuss it together in our Zoom gathering. We use discussion questions, research on the facts about the movie (storyline or ‘the making-of’); and we often bring our own personal experiences into the conversation. Contact Ellen for more information to join in this fun and interesting activity.
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AAUW of Missouri is proud to sponsor:
A Celebration of the 101st Anniversary of the 19th Amendment
“Women’s Suffrage, Racism, and Intersectionality:
One year after the 19th Amendment Centennial”
– A Panel Event –
August 26, 2021: 7 pm (via Zoom)
Free. Registration Required
Register Here: August 26th Panel “Women’s Suffrage, Racism and Intersectionality”
Two distinguished speakers:
Dr. April Langley, chair of Black Studies Department, associate professor of English and Black Studies at the University of Missouri-Columbia.April Langley began teaching at the University of Missouri in 2001 when she joined the faculty as an assistant professor of English and Black Studies in the newly developed area concentration of African Diaspora Studies. She graduated summa cum laude with a BA in English from Mills College; she attended the University of Notre Dame and received her Ph.D. in English in 2001. Langley specializes in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century African American and American Literature and Theory.
Dr. Carmaletta M. Williams, executive director of Black Archives of Mid-America in Kansas City. Carmaletta Williams earned BA and MA degrees in English from UMKC and a PhD in English from KU. She taught for 28 years at Johnson County Community College. She has also taught in Wuhan, People’s Republic of China; in Accra, Ghana; Paris, France; Guinea, West Africa; and in The Netherlands. She received an Emmy@ for her portrayal of Zora Neale Hurston.
AAUWMO Contact: Ellen Irons, AAUW MO chair of the 19th Amendment Centennial Task Force (ironnew@msn.com)
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Women typically are paid less than 80 percent of
what men are paid – less for women of color. Use AAUW’s free Work Smart online workshop (https://salary.aauw.org/) to learn how to ask for more.
We break through barriers for women and girls!
The American Association of University Women (AAUW), founded in 1881, is an organization of more than 170,000 members and supporters, open to graduates who hold the associate, baccalaureate, or higher degree from a qualified college or university. The St. Louis Branch, founded in 1893, is one of five branches in the St. Louis area. Other branches may be found at https://stlouis-ibc.aauw.net/
AAUW’s mission is to advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.